Flanders Traffic Accidents Decrease in 2023


  • Flemish Region registered 2% fewer traffic accidents with fatalities or injuries in 2023 compared to 2022, totaling 22,871.
  • Most accidents occurred on municipal or regional roads (92%), while only 8% occurred on motorways.
  • East Flanders had more accidents than the Flemish average, while Flemish Brabant had fewer.
  • Flanders accounted for 62% of all accidents in Belgium in 2023.

Detailed Analysis:

The number of traffic accidents with fatalities or injuries in the Flemish Region decreased by 2% in 2023, reaching the lowest number in recent years, excluding the exceptional years of 2020 and 2021 marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and reduced travel.

Despite the overall decrease, a significant disparity exists regarding the types of roads where accidents occur. Municipal and regional roads accounted for a staggering 92% of accidents, while motorways, which represent 49% of all kilometers driven, saw only 8% of accidents.

The distribution of accidents across Flanders also reveals regional differences. East Flanders, particularly along the Ghent-Antwerp axis, experienced a higher number of accidents than the Flemish average. Antwerp and West Flanders also exceeded the average, while Flemish Brabant saw a lower number.

In the broader national context, the Flemish Region accounted for 62% of all accidents with fatalities or injuries in Belgium in 2023. The Brussels-Capital Region contributed 10%, while the Walloon Region accounted for 30%.

These figures highlight the need for continued efforts to improve road safety across Flanders, particularly on municipal and regional roads, and to address the disparities in accident rates between regions.

Source: https://www.vlaanderen.be/statistiek-vlaanderen/mobiliteit/verkeersongevallen

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