Unlimited Work Permit

Navigating Belgium’s work permit system as an Indian expat can be daunting, but fear not! This guide explores the exciting prospect of securing the highly sought-after Unlimited Work Permit, also known as the A Card Illimité. This permit liberates you from employer constraints, offering the freedom to explore various career opportunities and shape your independent future.

You can apply for UNLIMITED WORK PERMIT (SINGLE PERMIT) on your own after meeting certain residence duration criterion. With this work permit you are not bound to any single employer.

What is the A Card Illimité?

Picture a work permit that frees you from the shackles of specific employers, allowing you to work for any without restrictions. The A Card Illimité, or permanent work permit, makes this vision a reality. It grants you indefinite residency and work privileges in Belgium, irrespective of job changes or ventures into self-employment.

Eligibility for Indians:

Good news for Indian expats holding a single permit: you can qualify for the A Card Illimité by meeting certain criteria:

  • Brussels: Accumulate at least 4 years of legal residence in Belgium, with 3 years of employment endorsed by a single permit or work permit. If your family resides with you, the employment requirement decreases to 3 years in total.
  • Flanders: Unlike Brussels, there’s no specific duration of employment required in Flanders. However, you must still have resided legally in Belgium for 4 years before applying.

Brussels official website – Click here for more details on unlimited work permit

Key Points to Remember:

  • Single Permit: Combining both work and residence permits into one, this document is regionally approved for the work permit and federally granted for the residence permit.
  • Validity: The A Card Illimité is initially valid for one year and necessitates annual renewal, mirroring the single permit’s terms.
  • Exceptions: Certain permits like B/D/L cards already confer unlimited work and residence rights.

Additional Considerations:

  • Independent Application: While self-application is generally feasible for the A Card Illimité, it’s imperative to stay updated on regional guidelines, as regulations may evolve.
  • Indefinite Contracts: Contracts without fixed end dates might prompt the commune to issue an initial one-year residence permit, aligning with the A Card Illimité’s validity and renewable alongside it.

A Glimpse of Hope:

While Brussels officially mandates four years of employment, anecdotal evidence suggests exceptions may exist. This underscores the importance of consulting official sources and seeking professional advice for accurate and current information.

Embrace the Future:

The A Card Illimité symbolizes a significant stride toward establishing a secure and autonomous life in Belgium. By understanding the prerequisites and seeking appropriate guidance, you can unlock a future brimming with professional and personal autonomy. Remember, diligent research and preparation pave the way to success in Belgium.

1 thought on “Unlimited Work Permit”

  1. Hi,
    Thanks for sharing this news.
    A question I have for situation as following: At the time of applying for unlimited single permit, my residence card is valid for another 2 years. If my unlimited single permit gets approved will this affect my current residence permit and automatically change to 1 year duration?


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